Vivre à Genève: Snark with a French Accent

A prior version of this blog was styled as a forum for our DC Restaurant-slash-Take Out reviews. But being overly exhausted and lame DC government lawyers, our project quickly devolved, along with our eating habits (endless meals of cereal and/or frozen burritos accompanied by gin-and-tonics, all while watching re-runs of the Daily Show).

With an international move to Switzerland in August 2011, it seemed an appropriate time to reboot this little enterprise, with a new and slightly broader mission: reviewing the food and drink of Geneva and its environs, but also describing our day-to-day living in Geneva.

Who we are: husband (Sesquipedalian) and wife (Miss Persnick), now residents of Geneva by way of Boston (him) and Virginia/California/parts overseas (her). Both avid travelers, avid eaters, and most especially avid eaters while traveling.